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Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Poor Person Mindset and Drama written by Business Development Expert

The Poor Person Mindset and Drama written by Business Development Expert

The Poor Person Mindset and Drama written by Business Development Expert Rick Kirkham

Let me start by explaining that the poor person mindset has nothing whatsoever to do with someone's financial situation. If you've been told:

We can't afford that
That's just for rich people
That's for people with money

And other accidentally life altering, ceiling making statements, your whole life you too, would have to overcome the poor person mindset. .As someone involved in doing talks for network marketers (multi-level marketing) and internet business development, I find it necessary to completely train someone with a poor person mindset to look at his/her future. They don’t want to. The person challenged by the poor person mindset doesn’t want to picture the future because he/she pictures himself/herself on government assistance programs or screwing on the same nut and passing it to the next person on the same assembly line in a crappy job that he/she hates.

People challenged by the poor person mindset will not click the link above to continue if they are not already on the main self-help article….

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