Speed Up Your Computer with a Professional Cleaning!

Sunday, February 28, 2021

How to Keep Your Computer Files and Photos Safe in The 21st Century

Your cloud backup such as Google Drive, Dropbox and if you’re using Office 365, OneDrive is NOT enough to keep your files safe and secure any longer! Cloud backup will help save your files when your computer crashes, BUT it won’t help if many of the modern viruses infect your computer such as the Ransomware Encryption Virus.

Save Hundreds of Dollars on Computer Repairs with Kirkham’s Healthy Computer E-Kit Flash Drive


Apps That Saved My Photos Files Contacts and Text Messages When I Got a New Phone

ICYMI: You\'re getting a new cell phone. You\'re old phone\'s in the dark abyss in the back of your cellular service provider’s service area. You hope they can get all your photos and contacts transferred. All you can do is wait….

Yes I Can Setup Your Office 365 OneDrive Account... Please share #YourSoftwareSetupExpertSays

ICYMI: Setup for OneDrive both locally in Honolulu Hawaii covering all of Oahu and remotely for all of the U.S.A. is now available by a computer expert with experience setting up OneDrive for Office 365

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Now Available for The Entire U.S. Affordable Expert Remote Computer Mobile Phone and Tablet Tutoring, Support and Repair from A Computer Expert in The United States


Oahu Only Remote Computer Mobile Phone and Tablet Tutoring, Support and Repair from An Oahu Computer Expert in Honolulu Hawaii Text or Call 2241870 Only $9.95 per month!


Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870


Video - How to Easily Write Your Own Windows PC Backup Program by Computer Tutor and Programmer J. Richard Kirkham B.Sc.

ICYMI: When I asked for topics on which to do a computer video tutorial I was impressed when I received three requests for how to write a backup program for Windows computers to external hard drives. As the computer repair guy covering Honolulu Hawaii and all of Oahu who gets called to recover files from computers that won’t start, my faith in computer users being more proactive is now restored.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Apps That Saved My Photos Files Contacts and Text Messages When I Got a New Phone

You\'re getting a new cell phone. You\'re old phone\'s in the dark abyss in the back of your cellular service provider’s service area. You hope they can get all your photos and contacts transferred. All you can do is wait….

Yes I Can Setup Your Office 365 OneDrive Account... Please share #YourSoftwareSetupExpertSays

Setup for OneDrive both locally in Honolulu Hawaii covering all of Oahu and remotely for all of the U.S.A. is now available by a computer expert with experience setting up OneDrive for Office 365

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870


Video - How to Easily Write Your Own Windows PC Backup Program by Computer Tutor and Programmer J. Richard Kirkham B.Sc.

When I asked for topics on which to do a computer video tutorial I was impressed when I received three requests for how to write a backup program for Windows computers to external hard drives. As the computer repair guy covering Honolulu Hawaii and all of Oahu who gets called to recover files from computers that won’t start, my faith in computer users being more proactive is now restored.

Video - How to Transfer Move or Download Files From Google Drive


iPad Rental Becomes The Impactful Component For Numerous Users Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

ICYMI: In the current trend, the iPads have become the most sought after device for the sales representatives who constantly focus on various transactions. Providing information on a tablet simply feels more like a conversation, while the same approach on a laptop could become less dynamic. The iPad is embedded with the finest pixel quality within them which constantly engages the potential audience to have a see-through of the product description which is stored in the form of a video presentation, digital catalogues to mention a few.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

I’ll Buy a Computer For You Then Make a House Call or Office Visit and Set It Up Honolulu Hawaii and All of Oahu Text or Call 2241870

This unique service offered by in-home computer tutor and troubleshooting expert Rick Kirkham is perfect for both the busy business person and the senior citizen who has trouble getting to the electronics store.

Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support


Help is Now Available for Google Drive The Microsoft Office 365 Replacement and Gmail by Remote Computer Tutor and Troubleshooter J. Richard Kirkham B.Sc.

ICYMI: After helping my second remote computer client in the U.S.A. in a row with Google Drive I am making this an official service. As one of the best computer tutors in Honolulu Hawaii covering all of Oahu with house calls, I am now available for the mainland U.S.A. remotely. Text only due to time differences. You and I will make arrangements for a consultation phone call through texting don’t worry. 808.224.1870. Normal charges for texting apply. Hawaii is part of the United States. 808.224.1870

Video - How to Set a Homepage on Google Chrome Internet Browser

ICYMI: Whether you\'re in business or retired you have favorite web pages which may take you several clicks to get to. Here\'s a short video just for you on how to set a homepage for Google Chrome internet browser.

Monday, February 22, 2021

Video - Easily Fix Dropped Cell Calls and Dead Spots by Rick Kirkham

ICYMI: WiFi calling is not something you often consider when having problems with dropped cell phone calls or even dead spots in your own home or place of business. It\'s easy to setup. Here\'s how I set it up on my Android phone. The feature is also available on iPhones

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Video - How to Transfer Move or Download Files From Google Drive


iPad Rental Becomes The Impactful Component For Numerous Users Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

In the current trend, the iPads have become the most sought after device for the sales representatives who constantly focus on various transactions. Providing information on a tablet simply feels more like a conversation, while the same approach on a laptop could become less dynamic. The iPad is embedded with the finest pixel quality within them which constantly engages the potential audience to have a see-through of the product description which is stored in the form of a video presentation, digital catalogues to mention a few.

Seniors DO NOT Buy Dumb Phones They’re NOT Easier Than Smart Phones


Video - How to Edit a PDF with Google Drive Free by Rick Kirkham of MobileComputerSupportOahu.com

ICYMI: When a remote computer client on the mainland U.S.A. called me and told me a well know brand was going to charge him $15.00 per month for the use of their PDF editing software, I told him about this Google Drive App he could use for free. After speaking a few minutes I realized he needed a remote lesson on both how to use Google Drive and the free PDF editor app.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Help is Now Available for Google Drive The Microsoft Office 365 Replacement and Gmail by Remote Computer Tutor and Troubleshooter J. Richard Kirkham B.Sc.

After helping my second remote computer client in the U.S.A. in a row with Google Drive I am making this an official service. As one of the best computer tutors in Honolulu Hawaii covering all of Oahu with house calls, I am now available for the mainland U.S.A. remotely. Text only due to time differences. You and I will make arrangements for a consultation phone call through texting don’t worry. 808.224.1870. Normal charges for texting apply. Hawaii is part of the United States. 808.224.1870

Video - How to Set a Homepage on Google Chrome Internet Browser

Whether you\'re in business or retired you have favorite web pages which may take you several clicks to get to. Here\'s a short video just for you on how to set a homepage for Google Chrome internet browser.

How I Recovered Files from an Unreadable External Hard Drive

ICYMI: Even backups can fail. Here I listed the steps I took to recover files, photos and videos from an external hard drive that would not read or even show up on two Windows 10 computers

For YouTubers and Other Guests Do It Yourself Computer Repair and Maintenance Ebooks and Software By Remote Computer Tutor Troubleshooter and Programmer J. Richard Kirkham B.Sc.

ICYMI: If you’re on this DIY computer help page you’re a do it yourself kind of person. Spend frustrating hours searching YouTube videos for one solution after another that just doesn’t work or get access to one of my professional, experienced based computer repair and maintenance products below https://proactivecomputersupport.com/diy/

Friday, February 19, 2021

Video - Easily Fix Dropped Cell Calls and Dead Spots by Rick Kirkham

WiFi calling is not something you often consider when having problems with dropped cell phone calls or even dead spots in your own home or place of business. It\'s easy to setup. Here\'s how I set it up on my Android phone. The feature is also available on iPhones

Tips For Giving Senior Citizens Computer Lessons


The Big Plain English Computer Cell Phone and Tablet Help and Tips eBook

ICYMI: By in home and remote computer cell phone and tablet tutor and troubleshooter J. Richard Kirkham of Honolulu Hawaii covering all of Oahu and the mainland U.S.A. Text 808.224.1870 for computer help or download this tell all secrets computer cell phone and tablet tips and help eBook which even contains links to computer video tutorials created by Mr. Kirkham himself!

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Seniors DO NOT Buy Dumb Phones They’re NOT Easier Than Smart Phones


Video - How to Edit a PDF with Google Drive Free by Rick Kirkham of MobileComputerSupportOahu.com

When a remote computer client on the mainland U.S.A. called me and told me a well know brand was going to charge him $15.00 per month for the use of their PDF editing software, I told him about this Google Drive App he could use for free. After speaking a few minutes I realized he needed a remote lesson on both how to use Google Drive and the free PDF editor app.

Yes I Can Help You with Chromebook and Smartboard Lessons and Setup on Oahu 224.1870


The Big Plain English Computer Cell Phone and Tablet Help and Tips eBook

ICYMI: By in home and remote computer cell phone and tablet tutor and troubleshooter J. Richard Kirkham of Honolulu Hawaii covering all of Oahu and the mainland U.S.A. Text 808.224.1870 for computer help or download this tell all secrets computer cell phone and tablet tips and help eBook which even contains links to computer video tutorials created by Mr. Kirkham himself!

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

How I Recovered Files from an Unreadable External Hard Drive

Even backups can fail. Here I listed the steps I took to recover files, photos and videos from an external hard drive that would not read or even show up on two Windows 10 computers

For YouTubers and Other Guests Do It Yourself Computer Repair and Maintenance Ebooks and Software By Remote Computer Tutor Troubleshooter and Programmer J. Richard Kirkham B.Sc.

If you’re on this DIY computer help page you’re a do it yourself kind of person. Spend frustrating hours searching YouTube videos for one solution after another that just doesn’t work or get access to one of my professional, experienced based computer repair and maintenance products below https://proactivecomputersupport.com/diy/

Updated! THE ONLY Easy to Use Windows Backup Program to NOW Backup Your Computer’s Registry!


How to Check Checkboxes Quickly with a Keyboard Shortcut by In Home and Remote Computer Tutor and Repair Specialist J. Richard Kirkham of Honolulu Hawaii Covering all of Oahu and Mainland U.S.A.

ICYMI: A vice principal at the school for which I substitute teach asked me to check multiple checkboxes on a program called Blackboard to delete some assignments. This would have taken forever with a mouse as I had to do this for multiple classes.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Tips For Giving Senior Citizens Computer Lessons


The Big Plain English Computer Cell Phone and Tablet Help and Tips eBook

By in home and remote computer cell phone and tablet tutor and troubleshooter J. Richard Kirkham of Honolulu Hawaii covering all of Oahu and the mainland U.S.A. Text 808.224.1870 for computer help or download this tell all secrets computer cell phone and tablet tips and help eBook which even contains links to computer video tutorials created by Mr. Kirkham himself!

Wireless Infrastructure in Cities Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

ICYMI: Wireless connectivity is an issue currently confronting cities across the country. This isn't something that is going to happen in ten years, but rather a revolution that is going on right now. No one could have predicted wireless to explode the way it has.

Xamarin: The Next Big Thing in Mobile App Development Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

ICYMI: Since Microsoft announced its acquisition of Xamarin, the mobile app development turned his head towards the relative clan of the most popular app development across platforms. The fact that Xamarin's products were used by 1 million developers across 120 countries is an absolute testament to why is it the next big thing in mobile app development.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Yes I Can Help You with Chromebook and Smartboard Lessons and Setup on Oahu 224.1870


The Big Plain English Computer Cell Phone and Tablet Help and Tips eBook

By in home and remote computer cell phone and tablet tutor and troubleshooter J. Richard Kirkham of Honolulu Hawaii covering all of Oahu and the mainland U.S.A. Text 808.224.1870 for computer help or download this tell all secrets computer cell phone and tablet tips and help eBook which even contains links to computer video tutorials created by Mr. Kirkham himself!

Why Your Businesses Need Progressive Web Apps Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

ICYMI: It is a very relevant question, since the competitiveness in the market is all time high. The reason is simple; there is a tremendous emphasis in the quality of the output produced. In this context, if the organization is not putting enough emphasis on the quality of output produced; it will not be easy for the business to prosper and avail the trust and appreciation of consumer.

Google Slideshow - How to Setup Zoom on Your Android or iPhone Mobile Phone by In Home and Remote Computer Tutor and Troubleshooter J. Richard Kirkham B.Sc. of Honolulu Hawaii Covering all of Oahu and The Mainland U.S.A. Text 808.224.1870 Due to Time Differences.

ICYMI: As Zoom increases in popularity more and more people are trying to set up this video conferencing service. Here\'s a Google Slides presentation I did actually at my mom\'s request for a How to setup Zoom on her mobile phone lesson.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Updated! THE ONLY Easy to Use Windows Backup Program to NOW Backup Your Computer’s Registry!


How to Check Checkboxes Quickly with a Keyboard Shortcut by In Home and Remote Computer Tutor and Repair Specialist J. Richard Kirkham of Honolulu Hawaii Covering all of Oahu and Mainland U.S.A.

A vice principal at the school for which I substitute teach asked me to check multiple checkboxes on a program called Blackboard to delete some assignments. This would have taken forever with a mouse as I had to do this for multiple classes.

Why We Must Mourn The Casualty Of Technology Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

ICYMI: No-one believes that robots will take over the world, which is odd, because in a way we've allowed them to start the process already. The advance guard is everywhere, watching your every move, learning about you and using the knowledge to manipulate you and the world around you. It's a situation we've stumbled into by accident, and it's time to take control by remembering who is, or ought to be, the boss.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Wireless Infrastructure in Cities Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

Wireless connectivity is an issue currently confronting cities across the country. This isn't something that is going to happen in ten years, but rather a revolution that is going on right now. No one could have predicted wireless to explode the way it has.

Xamarin: The Next Big Thing in Mobile App Development Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

Since Microsoft announced its acquisition of Xamarin, the mobile app development turned his head towards the relative clan of the most popular app development across platforms. The fact that Xamarin's products were used by 1 million developers across 120 countries is an absolute testament to why is it the next big thing in mobile app development.

Why Is Now the Right Time to Build a Mobile Application for Your Business? Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

ICYMI: With mobile users increasing day by day, it is true that the enterprise mobile app market is expected to grow over $65 billion in the coming few years. It is no more news that there is an app for your business.

Why Mobile Application Required? Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

ICYMI: Mobile application development is becoming increasingly more popular in the world. Smart phone application plays a very important part in terms of business growth and effective communication with their customers.

Friday, February 12, 2021

Why Your Businesses Need Progressive Web Apps Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

It is a very relevant question, since the competitiveness in the market is all time high. The reason is simple; there is a tremendous emphasis in the quality of the output produced. In this context, if the organization is not putting enough emphasis on the quality of output produced; it will not be easy for the business to prosper and avail the trust and appreciation of consumer.

Google Slideshow - How to Setup Zoom on Your Android or iPhone Mobile Phone by In Home and Remote Computer Tutor and Troubleshooter J. Richard Kirkham B.Sc. of Honolulu Hawaii Covering all of Oahu and The Mainland U.S.A. Text 808.224.1870 Due to Time Differences.

As Zoom increases in popularity more and more people are trying to set up this video conferencing service. Here\'s a Google Slides presentation I did actually at my mom\'s request for a How to setup Zoom on her mobile phone lesson.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Why Is Mobile App Development So Important Today Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

ICYMI: The invention of Smartphone and Tablets has, no doubt, brought a massive revolution in every field of life. This changing trend of the tech world has attracted the attention of people and the businesses around the world. It would be quite right to say that the world has gone mobile because mobile apps have given more power to the people. A recent survey shows that more than 45% of Google searches are taking place on smartphones and the number of Smartphone users will cross 5 billion in 2019. This means that mobile app development business will also get a boom because more and more tech companies are going to engage with it to satisfy the varied and increasing demand of people. Mobile app development has got much importance nowadays due to the following reasons.

Video - How to Upgrade from Windows 7 to 10 for Beginners by In Home and Remote Computer Tutor and Troubleshooter J. Richard Kirkham B.Sc. of Honolulu Hawaii Covering all of Oahu and The Mainland U.S.A. Text 808.224.1870 Due to Time Differences.

ICYMI: Yes Windows 7, the unsupported security risk of a PC is still being used by both private computer users and even businesses. By now Windows 7 computer users are experiencing difficulty getting some software to run and even a lack of support from third party applications. Hope exists in two forms however. Circumventing the Microsoft Windows cycle all together and upgrading to Linux Mint, a similar to Windows looking free operating system with greater speed and security or upgrading to Windows 10 for free. Actually three forms since Honolulu Hawaii and all of Oahu computer users are hiring me to upgrade their computers for them. I can even help computer users remotely up to a point in their upgrading efforts from Windows 7 to Windows 10. Watch this video tutorial to see if you want to try upgrading to Windows 10 from Windows 7 yourself as a DIY (Do It Yourself) effort. I am not responsible for damage to your computer or loss of data. Try this without the help of a professional at your own risk. Don\'t forget to LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE!

Why We Must Mourn The Casualty Of Technology Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

No-one believes that robots will take over the world, which is odd, because in a way we've allowed them to start the process already. The advance guard is everywhere, watching your every move, learning about you and using the knowledge to manipulate you and the world around you. It's a situation we've stumbled into by accident, and it's time to take control by remembering who is, or ought to be, the boss.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Why A Mobile App Is Necessary For Your Business Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

ICYMI: We cannot imagine a life without a smartphone as it has become an inseparable part of our life. They come with the preloaded features that you can access anytime and anywhere. As the main goal of a business is to reach to the maximum number of people for attaining a consistent growth by serving them all. Mobile Applications are the latest forms to connect with the customers.

Why Android App Development Is Beneficial for Businesses Seeking Growth and Visibility Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

ICYMI: Recent stats about the behavior of customers online have revealed that the use of mobile apps to purchase things and to gather data has increased in leaps and bounds. Today, brands are getting purchase orders through mobile apps and are also able to keep the customers engaged through various ads and activities.

Why Is Now the Right Time to Build a Mobile Application for Your Business? Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

With mobile users increasing day by day, it is true that the enterprise mobile app market is expected to grow over $65 billion in the coming few years. It is no more news that there is an app for your business.

Why Mobile Application Required? Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

Mobile application development is becoming increasingly more popular in the world. Smart phone application plays a very important part in terms of business growth and effective communication with their customers.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

What's New Trending in Android App Development? Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

ICYMI: The Internet boom has brought us to the stage where we're experiencing a mobile application boom. And as any technology goes, Internet, mobiles, and mobile applications - none of these can survive without a continuous progression into something new, extraordinary, i.e. something that nudges it forward.

Monday, February 8, 2021

Why Is Mobile App Development So Important Today Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

The invention of Smartphone and Tablets has, no doubt, brought a massive revolution in every field of life. This changing trend of the tech world has attracted the attention of people and the businesses around the world. It would be quite right to say that the world has gone mobile because mobile apps have given more power to the people. A recent survey shows that more than 45% of Google searches are taking place on smartphones and the number of Smartphone users will cross 5 billion in 2019. This means that mobile app development business will also get a boom because more and more tech companies are going to engage with it to satisfy the varied and increasing demand of people. Mobile app development has got much importance nowadays due to the following reasons.

Video - How to Upgrade from Windows 7 to 10 for Beginners by In Home and Remote Computer Tutor and Troubleshooter J. Richard Kirkham B.Sc. of Honolulu Hawaii Covering all of Oahu and The Mainland U.S.A. Text 808.224.1870 Due to Time Differences.

Yes Windows 7, the unsupported security risk of a PC is still being used by both private computer users and even businesses. By now Windows 7 computer users are experiencing difficulty getting some software to run and even a lack of support from third party applications. Hope exists in two forms however. Circumventing the Microsoft Windows cycle all together and upgrading to Linux Mint, a similar to Windows looking free operating system with greater speed and security or upgrading to Windows 10 for free. Actually three forms since Honolulu Hawaii and all of Oahu computer users are hiring me to upgrade their computers for them. I can even help computer users remotely up to a point in their upgrading efforts from Windows 7 to Windows 10. Watch this video tutorial to see if you want to try upgrading to Windows 10 from Windows 7 yourself as a DIY (Do It Yourself) effort. I am not responsible for damage to your computer or loss of data. Try this without the help of a professional at your own risk. Don\'t forget to LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE!

What Do Consumers Want in a Business Mobile App? Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

ICYMI: 2017 saw people spend more time on their mobile phones than ever before. A person spends roughly 2 hours and 41 minutes their mobile device daily.

What Is Cloud Based Service and Which Cloud Service Is Best? Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

ICYMI: Cloud-based service is a term that alludes to applications, services or assets made accessible to users on request by means of the Internet from a cloud computing provider's servers. Companies commonly use cloud-based services as an approach to expand limit, improve functionality or include extra services without committing to conceivably costly infrastructure expenses or increase/train existing in-house support staff.

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Video - How to Upgrade from Windows 7 to 10 for Beginners by In Home and Remote Computer Tutor and Troubleshooter J. Richard Kirkham B.Sc. of Honolulu Hawaii Covering all of Oahu and The Mainland U.S.A. Text 808.224.1870 Due to Time Differences.

Video - How to Upgrade from Windows 7 to 10 for Beginners by In Home and Remote Computer Tutor and Troubleshooter J. Richard Kirkham B.Sc. of Honolulu Hawaii Covering all of Oahu and The Mainland U.S.A. Text 808.224.1870 Due to Time Differences.

Video - How to Upgrade from Windows 7 to 10 for Beginners by In Home and Remote Computer Tutor and Troubleshooter J. Richard Kirkham B.Sc. of Honolulu Hawaii Covering all of Oahu and The Mainland U.S.A. Text 808.224.1870 Due to Time Differences.

Yes Windows 7, the unsupported security risk of a PC is still being used by both private computer users and even businesses. By now Windows 7 computer users are experiencing difficulty getting some software to run and even a lack of support from third party applications. Hope exists in two forms however. Circumventing the Microsoft Windows cycle all together and upgrading to Linux Mint, a similar to Windows looking free operating system with greater speed and security or upgrading to Windows 10 for free. Actually three forms since Honolulu Hawaii and all of Oahu computer users are hiring me to upgrade their computers for them. I can even help computer users remotely up to a point in their upgrading efforts from Windows 7 to Windows 10. Watch this video tutorial to see if you want to try upgrading to Windows 10 from Windows 7 yourself as a DIY (Do It Yourself) effort. I am not responsible for damage to your computer or loss of data. Try this without the help of a professional at your own risk. Don't forget to LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE!

  Mobile viewers click to Text 808.224.1870 In home, onsite and low cost remote computer, tablet and smart cell phone tutor, trainer, mobile virus removal and repair specialist,
Experienced, dual certified teacher J. Richard Kirkham B.Sc. of Honolulu Hawaii covering all of Oahu.
Call or Text 808.224.1870
BEFORE your computer breaks down
To speed up your slow computer and
For help with Windows PCs, Surface tablets or Apple/Mac computers.
Do It Yourselfers download Mr. Kirkham's Ebook

| Safe Computer Backups | | Save Hundreds of Dollars on Computer Repairs With This Lisit of Do It Yourself Software and Ebooks | | Senior Specialty In Home Computer Lessons and Computer Setup Oahu | | Local SEO Service Oahu Get Found Online! | | Find or Post Your Hawaii Jobs | | Make Money Online Passively With This Startup Program I Wrote for Beginners! | | My Personal Choice for Website Hosting |

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Subscribe to my remote computer client’s YouTube Auto Repair Channel jdmtake1

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An absolute AMAZING offer and service to help people who do and want to make money online working from home. The easy free funnels and website builder also comes with free email marketing tools and a slew of FREE martketing and payment system tools! I personally use many of these marketing tools myself including the affiliate marketing system built into the free website service package!

Help is Now Available for Google Drive The Microsoft Office 365 Replacement and Gmail by Remote Computer Tutor and Troubleshooter J. Richard Kirkham B.Sc.

After helping my second remote computer client in the U.S.A. in a row with Google Drive I am making this an official service. As one of the best computer tutors in Honolulu Hawaii covering all of Oahu with house calls, I am now available for the mainland U.S.A. remotely. Text only due to time differences. You and I will make arrangements for a consultation phone call through texting don’t worry. 808.224.1870. Normal charges for texting apply. Hawaii is part of the United States. 808.224.1870

The Big Plain English Computer Cell Phone and Tablet Help and Tips eBook

By in home and remote computer cell phone and tablet tutor and troubleshooter J. Richard Kirkham of Honolulu Hawaii covering all of Oahu and the mainland U.S.A. Text 808.224.1870 for computer help or download this tell all secrets computer cell phone and tablet tips and help eBook which even contains links to computer video tutorials created by Mr. Kirkham himself!

30 Day FREE Trial of Dr. Backup Managed Cloud and Onsite Backup Services for Peace of Mind

Peace of mind for your clients, you and your business knowing your business clients data is safe after a ransomware computer virus attack, computer break down or crash and even a fire.

Windows PC Easy to Use Backup Software written by computer tutor Rick Kirkham

Plan ahead! It's not IF your computer will crash or be in need of repair it's WHEN! Private computer users are downloading this backup program I wrote myself as an in home and remote computer tutor and programmer. Based on my computer training experience I made this a VERY SIMPLE backup program.

Order Your 64gb Flash Drives and Support My Efforts

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Why A Mobile App Is Necessary For Your Business Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

We cannot imagine a life without a smartphone as it has become an inseparable part of our life. They come with the preloaded features that you can access anytime and anywhere. As the main goal of a business is to reach to the maximum number of people for attaining a consistent growth by serving them all. Mobile Applications are the latest forms to connect with the customers.

Why Android App Development Is Beneficial for Businesses Seeking Growth and Visibility Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

Recent stats about the behavior of customers online have revealed that the use of mobile apps to purchase things and to gather data has increased in leaps and bounds. Today, brands are getting purchase orders through mobile apps and are also able to keep the customers engaged through various ads and activities.

What Are Indoor Positioning Systems? Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

ICYMI: Is the Indoor Positioning System (IPS) something new to you? If so, you should know that it is similar to a GPS that is designed for indoor environments. IPS is used to locate objects or people in a building through a smartphone or tablet. While the technology is new, services that make use of IPS are getting popular in airports, shopping malls, and other venues where LBS and navigation are required.

What Are The Best Android Apps For Students? Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

ICYMI: Android develops and progresses a little bit more every year, but the apps whether free or paid, remain of the same importance as ever before. In this roundup, let's check out what are the best Android apps, available out there for the students.

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Friday, February 5, 2021

Want to Secure Your Home? Get Assistance of Android Apps Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

ICYMI: This article is going to highlight some of the best apps that offer remarkable home security! Read on to know the features you can avail using such useful apps. Mobile technology is progressing rapidly and bestowing its blessings on the diverse industries.

Ways in Which Sugar CRM Proves Beneficial to Sales Representatives Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

ICYMI: Sugar CRM is a popular CRM software that you can use for your sales team. There are several ways Sugar CRM could benefit your sales team, once to adapt it to your organization. This article lists down some of these benefits

What Do Consumers Want in a Business Mobile App? Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

2017 saw people spend more time on their mobile phones than ever before. A person spends roughly 2 hours and 41 minutes their mobile device daily.

What Is Cloud Based Service and Which Cloud Service Is Best? Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

Cloud-based service is a term that alludes to applications, services or assets made accessible to users on request by means of the Internet from a cloud computing provider's servers. Companies commonly use cloud-based services as an approach to expand limit, improve functionality or include extra services without committing to conceivably costly infrastructure expenses or increase/train existing in-house support staff.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Want to Develop an Impressive iOS App? Here's The Checklist to Follow Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

ICYMI: This article explains the quirk rules that must be followed by app owners to develop an outstanding iPhone app. Getting an outright iPhone app developed is not only a demanding aspect of businesses but also rewarding.

Want to Make A Great Food Ordering App? Hook To These Inherent Features Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

ICYMI: This article states the most effective features to put into a food ordering apps to reap maximum benefits from its investment. Truly, online food ordering has created its worth as a separate industry segment in the recent years owing to the proliferation of websites and mobile app development.

What Are Indoor Positioning Systems? Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

Is the Indoor Positioning System (IPS) something new to you? If so, you should know that it is similar to a GPS that is designed for indoor environments. IPS is used to locate objects or people in a building through a smartphone or tablet. While the technology is new, services that make use of IPS are getting popular in airports, shopping malls, and other venues where LBS and navigation are required.

What Are The Best Android Apps For Students? Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

Android develops and progresses a little bit more every year, but the apps whether free or paid, remain of the same importance as ever before. In this roundup, let's check out what are the best Android apps, available out there for the students.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Top Wireless Devices - Transforming Travel Agencies Across The World Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

ICYMI: Travel agencies across the world are transforming rapidly due to the adoption of new technologies including wireless. Of all devices powered by the wireless technology, smartphone, wireless document scanner, and printer have gained considerable significance over others.

Understanding the Ins And Outs of Moodle Mobile Learning Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

ICYMI: With technology becoming an integral part of our daily life, more learners are opting to gain a quick access to websites within their organization using their mobile devices instead of using the traditional notebook or desktop computers. So, to meet the user demands, educational institutes and schools are slowly overhauling their course management system and using Moodle to create mobile applications.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Want to Secure Your Home? Get Assistance of Android Apps Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

This article is going to highlight some of the best apps that offer remarkable home security! Read on to know the features you can avail using such useful apps. Mobile technology is progressing rapidly and bestowing its blessings on the diverse industries.

Ways in Which Sugar CRM Proves Beneficial to Sales Representatives Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

Sugar CRM is a popular CRM software that you can use for your sales team. There are several ways Sugar CRM could benefit your sales team, once to adapt it to your organization. This article lists down some of these benefits

Top 10 Elements in App UI Design Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

ICYMI: Elements in the app are like the customer relations people in your company. They speak the language of your app in a simple way. They act as tour guides to the various app windows, propose action items and give users company while some items are loading.

Top 5 Tablets for Kids in 2017 Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

ICYMI: Your child's education and well-being is the most important thing in this world and you should never settle for anything less than the best when it comes to their upbringing. Therefore you need to be selective when it comes to introducing your kids to technology, and from this list of the best tablets you can res assured that your child will have access to the best tech products and that their safety is ensured while they're browsing the web or playing video games.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Want to Develop an Impressive iOS App? Here's The Checklist to Follow Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

This article explains the quirk rules that must be followed by app owners to develop an outstanding iPhone app. Getting an outright iPhone app developed is not only a demanding aspect of businesses but also rewarding.

Want to Make A Great Food Ordering App? Hook To These Inherent Features Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

This article states the most effective features to put into a food ordering apps to reap maximum benefits from its investment. Truly, online food ordering has created its worth as a separate industry segment in the recent years owing to the proliferation of websites and mobile app development.

Top 10 Best Educational Apps For Android Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

ICYMI: Today I will be sharing a Top list of 10 Best Educational Apps for Android device. That will definitely help you to learn and earn the most valuable things in the word, Knowledge.

Tips to Consider Before Choosing the Best iPhone Development Company Exceptional Onsite and In Home Windows, Apple Computer and Mobile Phone Training, Tutoring, Virus Removal, Preventive Maintenance and Repairs for All of Oahu Call or Text 224.1870 Mainland U.S.A. Text Only 808.224.1870 for Remote Computer Lessons and Support

ICYMI: It's being a decade now that Apple has launched its iPhone and since then, people have always wanted to get this phone for various reasons. It is an all in one gadget and this makes it much popular among the users.