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Friday, July 9, 2010

Computer Help for Small Business in Honolulu Hawaii and Online

Computer Help for Small Business in Honolulu Hawaii and Online

Computer help for small business in Honolulu Hawaii and online. Here you’ll find help for very basic to advanced computer use, spreadsheets, virus and spyware protection, making money with your computer on the internet. Rick Kirkham states he is the only computer, software and automation consultant who wants to be fired…!

Dual certified teacher J. Richard Kirkham recently began in home computer lessons for Oahu residents specializing in teaching seniors and confused computer users how to use their computers and the internet….

Spreadsheet Help for Oahu AND Online

A spreadsheet is a must for any small business or person who must keep track of finances, schedules, time sheets or any other type of numbers. I’ve created spreadsheets for and taught how to write spreadsheets to retired senior citizens as well as successful business owners. I can help you create a spreadsheet or even just do it for you no matter how simple or complex. I’m Rick Kirkham. As a dual certified teacher and in home computer tutor, my goal is to get fired because you won’t need me when I’m finished…!

Why Use a Spreadsheet

* Enter a Number Once and That’s It!

* Easily Keep Track of Debits and Credits on Your Spreadsheet

* Test Bids on Jobs on Your Spreadsheet

* Link Multiple Spreadsheets Together for Different Previews and Calculations

* Keep Track of Your Weightloss While You Diet on Your Spreadsheet

* Keep Track of Your Golf Scores on Your Spreadsheet

Get more information now Click Here….

Easy Custom Web Pages – Earn While You Learn

I’m Rick Kirkham. As a dual certified teacher, my goal is to get fired because you won’t need me when I’m finished. I’ll create a simple web page for you, get your website domain name, get your web hosting, setup your Paypal so you can accept credit cards online AND Leave notes in your web page making it VERY simple for you to make changes yourself…!

That’s right! I will basically be getting myself fired…

* I’ll Create a Simple Web Page So As Not To Overwhelm You

* I’ll Get Your Domain Name for You So You’ll Look Professional

* I’ll Get Your Web Page Hosted for You So I Can Upload Your Web Page to Your Web Site

* I’ll Setup Your Paypal Account so You Can Accept Credit Cards Online

* I’ll Leave Notes In Your Web Page Making It VERY Simple for You to Make Changes Yourself

Get more information now Click Here.

Easy Windows Backup Software Created by Computer Tutor Specializing in Senior Citizens and Other End Computer Users

It’s not if your computer will crash IT’S WHEN!

This software will save you $150 to $300!

It’s not if your computer will crash IT’S WHEN and file recovery from an expert is expensive if it’s possible at all!

I wrote this program with my senior citizen and other end computer user clientele in mind. Every single one of them has pictures and sometimes work stored in My Documents AND NO BACKUP of their family photos or work files! This program easily backs up all the files in My Documents and the subfolders of My Documents allowing for easy travel portability and peace of mind with your work backed up safely….

Click Here for More Information/

Computer Whiz Helps Seniors and Confused Computer Users on Oahu with Computer Lessons and Problem Solving

Dual certified teacher J. Richard Kirkham recently began in home computer lessons for Oahu residents specializing in teaching seniors and confused computer users how to use their computers and the internet….

One primary problem I’m always solving is fear of new technology. Increasing my client’s self-confidence is an important goal.

Click Here for More Information

What Else Do You Do Rick?

There’s so many things for computers that I do which I believe to be S.O.P. That I fail to think the average businessperson may need help. Preventive measure such as:


Free virus protection

Free spyware protection

Automation of tasks to free up more time to make money

Custom software

With my background in teaching, sales and behavior modification even sales, advertising, ad design and public relations is a normal part of life, but I have my weaknesses and so do other businesspeople.

In many cases it’s just a matter of being so close to your topic you simply cannot understand why people wouldn’t line up at the door to buy your product. This is where my sales background and being on the outside helps with web design. A simple website which drives traffic to your door is one of the services I offer. So I’m here for you. I’m here to help my fellow businesspeople and together, we will make a difference.

How Do People Get A Hold of You?

Go to my business blog ComputerHelp808.com for contact information and even more services and products for the small business or individual computer user.

I hope to hear from you and appreciate your business.

J. Richard Kirkham B.Sc.